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San Diego’s Cailin Russo Makes a Stunning “Declaration” with New Video

A full artist album is on the way for 2020.

She’s been bubbling under the pop surface since dropping a handful of catchy singles in 2017, but San Diego native Cailin Russo is about to make major waves with her sophomore full-length album, which is due in the early part of 2020 and will be her follow up to 2018’s House With A Pool. As of now she’s released two singles, including the fierce “Declaration,” which features a sultry video that recently debuted on Billboard.

Bathed in hazy red and green lights, Russo confesses her indiscretion against a driving kick/snare combination, singing “This is the declaration of a f*ck up, and in the end I don’t know how to change.”

“I’ve been working for a year getting these songs to a place to share with the world,” Russo told Billboard. “I can’t wait to hear what fans think of this chapter. This project is super intimate and I just hope it speaks to whoever needs to hear it.”

You can watch the premiere of Russo’s “Declaration” here.

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